Trusting to Believing to Knowing

The journey to recovery from anxiety can be described in so many ways. One that is important to grasp is the progression in our mental perspective from trusting to believing to knowing.

We start from a place of doubt and hopelessness. We are hoping that we can recover, but everything we have tried so far has failed.


Early in our journey, we read and learn about the anxiety state – why it happens, how it happens, and the myths and truths about it. This understanding is necessary so that we can place anxiety in its proper perspective as something that is not as serious as it feels, and that we are not in as much trouble as we think we are.

We also learn about the Acceptance Method – how facing, allowing, accepting and surrendering to the anxiety, rather than fighting it and pushing it away, is the path to recovery. We are not sure recovery is even possible for us, and we still have doubts if this approach will work. At this point, we must rely on TRUST that this is the correct and necessary approach.


After a period of practicing the method and trusting it will work, we will see changes in our anxiety, and in our response to it. We’ll see some improvements in our state, and begin to BELIEVE this is the right way.

This belief can come and go, as initially it relies on how we feel. In a setback, we may temporarily lose sight of this belief. We think recovery is possible, but we are not sure if we can achieve it. But as we progress through this (sometimes long) middle stage of our journey, our belief continues to strengthen.


At some point towards the end of our journey to recovery, we simply KNOW that we are on the right track.

Trusting - Believing - Knowing

No matter how we feel, even in a setback, our knowing is unshakable. We know that our recovery is inevitable, and just a matter of time. This is a wonderful place to reside, as we build our inner voices of Truth and Acceptance to be invincible.

Recovery awaits.