For those who are in the anxiety state, situations that trigger your anxiety are not the source of it. For that reason, resolving those situations does not get rid of the anxiety, which just Continue reading “Situations are not the Source of your Anxiety”
Tag: Anxiety
The fight-or-flight reaction to thoughts or situations that results in the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. When the anxiety reaction becomes excessive, inappropriate for the situation, or carries on when the situation is resolved, then this leads to a chronic condition known as the anxiety state.
Social Anxiety
I struggled with social anxiety for most of my life. It began in childhood. It wasn’t until I discovered the power of acceptance that I was able to recover from this emotionally painful condition.
Recovery comes when Continue reading “Social Anxiety”
The Anxiety Cycle
Anxiety occurs in a very predictable cycle. Understanding the anxiety mechanism is the foundation for recovery. Here is Continue reading “The Anxiety Cycle”
Fear that Nothing will ever Change
The fear that “nothing will ever change” can be a major stumbling block to recovery from anxiety. It is a very convincing fear, and can cause us to Continue reading “Fear that Nothing will ever Change”
Anxiety and Uncertainty
Simply put, anxiety is a reaction to uncertainty – a hopeless struggle to gain control of our lives and our feelings.
We are unable to tolerate the intensity and unpleasantness of our emotions and our physical anxiety symptoms, so we Continue reading “Anxiety and Uncertainty”
The Paradox of Anxiety Recovery
I have found recovery from anxiety to be full of paradoxes – where I was required to think in the opposite way to what felt normal, opposite to the way I wanted to think. But I think the biggest paradox Continue reading “The Paradox of Anxiety Recovery”
Second Fear
“First fear” is the natural response to danger. “Second fear” is our reaction to the anxiety itself. Second fear is the Continue reading “Second Fear”
Anxiety is not Keeping Us Safe
It is common to feel that our vigilance and anticipatory anxiety is what keeps us safe. But safe from what? The “danger” that we feel is actually Continue reading “Anxiety is not Keeping Us Safe”
Holiday Stresses
We have a tendency to underestimate holiday stresses. These are supposed to be happy, relaxing times spent with families, but instead can cause great anxiety and suffering. The upcoming holidays are Continue reading “Holiday Stresses”
Being Kind to Yourself
“Being kind to yourself” is an alien concept for most of us that suffer from anxiety, but something we must make part of our lives if we are to recover. Until we learn to be honest with ourselves about ourselves, and affirm our self-worth, we will Continue reading “Being Kind to Yourself”