
Surrender is the Kryptonite to anxiety. Surrendering (or letting go) is the opposite of what we typically do. We just want to be free of anxiety, and we try to fight it off. It’s the only way we know, so we continue do it in spite of the fact it hasn’t worked! We fight harder and harder, but no matter how hard we fight, it makes no difference. This leads to an obvious conclusion – we Continue reading “Surrender”

Acceptance vs. Putting Up With (Resignation)

It is never the case that we are either fully accepting, or not accepting at all. There are degrees of acceptance.

Initially in the anxiety state, we are pretty close to zero on the acceptance scale. We refuse to accept our symptoms and fight them with all our might. We just want them to leave right away and never come back. We don’t want to experience them for another second, and cannot imagine ever developing acceptance for them. Continue reading “Acceptance vs. Putting Up With (Resignation)”