For those who are in the anxiety state, situations that trigger your anxiety are not the source of it. For that reason, resolving those situations does not get rid of the anxiety, which just Continue reading “Situations are not the Source of your Anxiety”
Category: Anxiety
Anxiety related
Dealing with Pain
Many anxiety sufferers have an issue with physical pain in addition to their anxiety condition. Their usual reaction is to try to get rid of it. But it rarely works. Not surprisingly perhaps, the approach that is effective in dealing with physical pain is the same as with the emotional pain of anxiety Continue reading “Dealing with Pain”
Panic Attacks, Avoidance, and Agoraphobia
Panic attacks occur when we have a powerful reaction to anxious symptoms and feelings. We add a lot of second fear, and, believing we are in grave danger, our sympathetic nervous system Continue reading “Panic Attacks, Avoidance, and Agoraphobia”
Social Anxiety
I struggled with social anxiety for most of my life. It began in childhood. It wasn’t until I discovered the power of acceptance that I was able to recover from this emotionally painful condition.
Recovery comes when Continue reading “Social Anxiety”
Up and Down Emotions
One feature of anxiety is how our emotions can change so radically and so quickly; often with no apparent reason. This dramatic fluctuation in our mood just Continue reading “Up and Down Emotions”
The Anxiety Cycle
Anxiety occurs in a very predictable cycle. Understanding the anxiety mechanism is the foundation for recovery. Here is Continue reading “The Anxiety Cycle”
Fear that Nothing will ever Change
The fear that “nothing will ever change” can be a major stumbling block to recovery from anxiety. It is a very convincing fear, and can cause us to Continue reading “Fear that Nothing will ever Change”
Anxiety and Uncertainty
Simply put, anxiety is a reaction to uncertainty – a hopeless struggle to gain control of our lives and our feelings.
We are unable to tolerate the intensity and unpleasantness of our emotions and our physical anxiety symptoms, so we Continue reading “Anxiety and Uncertainty”
The Paradox of Anxiety Recovery
I have found recovery from anxiety to be full of paradoxes – where I was required to think in the opposite way to what felt normal, opposite to the way I wanted to think. But I think the biggest paradox Continue reading “The Paradox of Anxiety Recovery”
Second Fear
“First fear” is the natural response to danger. “Second fear” is our reaction to the anxiety itself. Second fear is the Continue reading “Second Fear”